Discover Redox Gold
Relief Here
Be the first to experience the revolutionary Redox Gold technology at The Body Specialist. Backed by a groundbreaking study from the University of Western Sydney, showing 100% relief from discomfort in all participants. Our advanced thermal imaging confirms the exceptional results.
Say goodbye to suffering with Redox Gold you have relief 24/7.
Say goodbye to drugs.
No oily or sticky texture
no strong odours
calms skin and sensitve areas
safe for all skin types
IT WORKS - Simple. Rub it in, wait 2-15 mins.
use code REDOX
Enter with pain and leave it behind

Everyone is treated with an individual assessment.
One on one treatment where you get 100% hands on treatment.
Our goal is to get you in and out of treatment sessions on time and with results.
Most acute injuries can be successfuly treated in 1-3 visits.
Unlike any other treatment you've experienced.
It works, it's painless, you will be relaxed and your body will heal

Every treatment is different. Your body is constantly changing and so should your treatment.
Our aim is to stimulate your body to heal and challenge you to be better in every way.
Embark on a journey and you will discover when you are pain free how you and your life WILL be positively affected.

Remedial Massage
Relax on an electric table covered with a OAM healing blanket and a warm Biomat.
Both of these technolgies enhance your treatment helping you to relax, reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process.
Techniques include and not limited to:
Deep Muscle tendon ligament therapy
Remedial Massage
Pregnancy Massage
Sports Injury
Structural Balancing
Trigger point therapy
Thai stretches
PhysioKey therapy can be used as a complementary or mono therapy.
We will happily work with your Physiotherapist, Osteopath and Doctor.
The PhysioKey (ARTG 230724) intended use is for :
Acute and Chronic pain.
Increased blood circulation.
Passive muscle stimulation.
Improvement and recovery of function.
This type of therapy does not treat a particular disease or condition, it stimulates the body’s own healing resources. Neuro-stimulation treats the whole body.
This therapy restores function and activates the bodies internal healing abilities. When you present for a treatment we take into account all symptoms so a detailed case history is taken so we can establish what systems are being affected and where the imbalances are.
Conditions that respond well include :
Pain, acute and chronic.
If you are in pain anywhere a neuro-stimulation device such as a PhysioKey, SanaKey, or SCENAR can help to alleviate that pain by reducing swelling, inflammation and speeding the recovery process.
This therapy can be used as a complementary or mono therapy to treat pain associated:
Musculoskeletal problems
Dental problems
The physiokey uses high amplitude, high density, bio-feedback controlled non-invasive neurostimulation to cutaneuous nerves activating the body's natural pain relieving and self regulation mechanisms.
The physiokey not only proivdes direct therapeutic effect, but also activates the natural defences of the body.
The effect is achieved through the stimulation of reflective zones and acupuncture points on the skin surface.
Pain relief thrapy using physiokey is an extrememly effective, non- invasive medical technology, which works by stimulation of the body's inherent self healing mechanisms with minimal, if any undesirable side effects.
Real People
Real Life Stories
Rick Scheibe
My son has had a few injuries due to football. Each time he has a treatment the recovery has been quick and he has been able to get in the pitch quicker.
Denise Ryan
Thank you Sally. Ethan rolled his ankle and was recovering from influenza. He had two treatments with Sanakey and wrapped in the blanket. Monday there was no chance he could run at regional track and field. Wednesday he made the final in 100m sprint.
Sally was so accommodating looking after Ethan on short notice. I would recommend Sally without hesitation.
Jane Westward
Sally is a brilliant therapist so grateful that she is on top of progress in technology!